Tips & Tricks To Help You Unlock The 4K Damage Badge
Hey everybody! This is my guide for a 4k Damage badge in Apex Legends.
Since I’m a former number 1 Apex Predator and CEO of TheApexBooster, my job is to help you unlock badges for my customers on any legend. Today I’m going to tell you my 4K damage guide, for free!
4K Damage Badge Tips!
The 4000 damage badge, also called Legend’s Wrath IV is much easier to unlock than the 20 bomb / 20 kill badge for one simple reason. When you are going for the 20 bomb you need to hope that the enemies in the game don’t kill each other too fast and stop you from getting 20 kills, The 4k damage badge is much easier as you can still get it even if there are not many players in the game.
1. Land where most players in the lobby drop.
Just like with the 20 bomb badge, you want to land in an area where there are many players, Skull Town in Kings Canyon, Fragment east/west in worlds edge, estates in Olympus and usually checkpoint on storms point. You need to have at least 2-3 teams drop with you to have a good chance of achieving an easy 4000 damage or 20 kills. It is also wise to land close to one of these “hot” zones. This means that you can loot up super fast and negate some of the RNG involved in unlocking these badges, this means you can immediately push teams and pick up damage and kills.
There is no guaranteed way to get good loot, but if you happen to jump on good loot, you need to capitalize that ASAP, push them with full force.
2. Play aggressive the entire match.
So you have good loot and have snowballed early, you have racked up some damage and kills, what now?
Now is the time to listen up, if you hear any more gunfights INSTANTLY run towards them. If you don’t hear any more gunfights then take a look at your map and try to see which busy points of interest are nearby (POI's). If there is a nearby zone that’s usually populated, run there, if there isn’t, at least don’t run towards the edge of the map but more towards the center.
Once you get to an area where enemies are fighting, preferably more teams, your goal is to join them but not by running towards the middle of it, more to the sides where you can grind damage from the distance and then push towards the center of it as more people die. Just don’t be too far away due to the damage fall-off due to the distance.
3. Thirst enemies
What I mean by thirst enemies is that you get the damage that you’ve done while the enemy is not knocked, and you get the damage on him when he’s downed as well, so make sure to finish him off with your guns.
4. Use the close to mid range guns
Just like with the 20 bomb guide, the advice here is the same. First of all, use the weapons you’re comfortable with, except long-range weapons, of course. Secondly, if you’re still not getting it, try the super close-range weapons like R99 and Prowler + mid range weapons like Flatline or whatever is meta at the time you’re reading this post.
5. Switch to long-range later
Once you’re really close to getting that badge and the game is ending soon, you can switch to long-range weapons such as Bocek, Longbow or whatever else. At that time your main priority is to just hit the damage and finish the very last part of the grind while not exposing yourself too much, this can be at 3k damage, maybe 3500, depending on how many players are left, you will need to make an educated decision yourself.
6. Value your life over anything else
You can’t do damage while you’re dead right? But not just that, if your team is busy ressing you and you need to run back for your box, or even worse, gear up from the start, you usually won’t get it. You will lose a lot of time and the run is probably over. Hence why value your life, don’t be greedy for each point of damage, you simply won’t get that 4K damage badge if you get downed or even worse, killed.
7. Buy the 4K damage badge and chill out
If it’s still not working out for you or you simply don’t have the time, you could be busy with school, family, or just enjoying the holidays. It’s not a sin to buy the badge. I can do it for you risk-free within a few hours.
Head over to our Apex badge boosting service and pick it up, choose ANY legend, whether that’s Valkyrie, Gibraltar, Revenant or anyone else and relax. You deserve it.
Click here for a 4K/20
Click here for a ranked boost
Click here for an arenas boost
Since I’m a former number 1 Apex Predator and CEO of TheApexBooster, my job is to help you unlock badges for my customers on any legend. Today I’m going to tell you my 4K damage guide, for free!
4K Damage Badge Tips!
The 4000 damage badge, also called Legend’s Wrath IV is much easier to unlock than the 20 bomb / 20 kill badge for one simple reason. When you are going for the 20 bomb you need to hope that the enemies in the game don’t kill each other too fast and stop you from getting 20 kills, The 4k damage badge is much easier as you can still get it even if there are not many players in the game.
1. Land where most players in the lobby drop.
Just like with the 20 bomb badge, you want to land in an area where there are many players, Skull Town in Kings Canyon, Fragment east/west in worlds edge, estates in Olympus and usually checkpoint on storms point. You need to have at least 2-3 teams drop with you to have a good chance of achieving an easy 4000 damage or 20 kills. It is also wise to land close to one of these “hot” zones. This means that you can loot up super fast and negate some of the RNG involved in unlocking these badges, this means you can immediately push teams and pick up damage and kills.
There is no guaranteed way to get good loot, but if you happen to jump on good loot, you need to capitalize that ASAP, push them with full force.
2. Play aggressive the entire match.
So you have good loot and have snowballed early, you have racked up some damage and kills, what now?
Now is the time to listen up, if you hear any more gunfights INSTANTLY run towards them. If you don’t hear any more gunfights then take a look at your map and try to see which busy points of interest are nearby (POI's). If there is a nearby zone that’s usually populated, run there, if there isn’t, at least don’t run towards the edge of the map but more towards the center.
Once you get to an area where enemies are fighting, preferably more teams, your goal is to join them but not by running towards the middle of it, more to the sides where you can grind damage from the distance and then push towards the center of it as more people die. Just don’t be too far away due to the damage fall-off due to the distance.
3. Thirst enemies
What I mean by thirst enemies is that you get the damage that you’ve done while the enemy is not knocked, and you get the damage on him when he’s downed as well, so make sure to finish him off with your guns.
4. Use the close to mid range guns
Just like with the 20 bomb guide, the advice here is the same. First of all, use the weapons you’re comfortable with, except long-range weapons, of course. Secondly, if you’re still not getting it, try the super close-range weapons like R99 and Prowler + mid range weapons like Flatline or whatever is meta at the time you’re reading this post.
5. Switch to long-range later
Once you’re really close to getting that badge and the game is ending soon, you can switch to long-range weapons such as Bocek, Longbow or whatever else. At that time your main priority is to just hit the damage and finish the very last part of the grind while not exposing yourself too much, this can be at 3k damage, maybe 3500, depending on how many players are left, you will need to make an educated decision yourself.
6. Value your life over anything else
You can’t do damage while you’re dead right? But not just that, if your team is busy ressing you and you need to run back for your box, or even worse, gear up from the start, you usually won’t get it. You will lose a lot of time and the run is probably over. Hence why value your life, don’t be greedy for each point of damage, you simply won’t get that 4K damage badge if you get downed or even worse, killed.
7. Buy the 4K damage badge and chill out
If it’s still not working out for you or you simply don’t have the time, you could be busy with school, family, or just enjoying the holidays. It’s not a sin to buy the badge. I can do it for you risk-free within a few hours.
Head over to our Apex badge boosting service and pick it up, choose ANY legend, whether that’s Valkyrie, Gibraltar, Revenant or anyone else and relax. You deserve it.
Click here for a 4K/20
Click here for a ranked boost
Click here for an arenas boost